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Best ways to Showcase and Store your Books using Built-In Bookshelves

Best ways to Showcase and Store your Books using Built-In Bookshelves

Books are one of the most important components of any home, adding colour and character to any space. If a room has a lot of books it can be hard to store them and display them in a stylish way. Not many homeowners have the luxury of having a separate home library, and if you love reading, it can be challenging to find enough room for your collection, particularly if you live in an apartment!

A built-in bookshelf is a great addition to any unused space in your home. It will provide useful storage and a cohesive look. Easily accessible and practical, even the smallest built-in bookshelf can bring life and warmth to a room. Let’s look at different ways to showcase and store your books and make them look fantastic.


Rather than creating a whole separate room for small home library, optimizing the space available in environments where you already spend a lot of time, such as a living room or bedroom, allows for you to regularly browse and enjoy your book collection in existing, comforting areas. Alcove spaces in many living rooms offer the ideal setting and chance to include a set of built-in bookcases. They are typically empty spaces that are perfect for storage and the greatest place to add a home library.

Built-in bookcases are appealing because they may be made to fit the room's style and proportions. Choose a grid layout if you want something simple and minimal. It adds structure and symmetry to the room and gives a sense of unity no matter how versatile the display is. This layout means that you don't need to be really neat and accurate with your style – shelves did it for you.


Making the most of unused space and using the area above and around a doorway for bookshelves is a brilliant way of utilizing dead wall space that might otherwise be wasted. Floor-to-ceiling shelves that wrap around a door way, help to bring symmetry and focus to what would otherwise be just a thoroughfare. Instead of focusing on prime areas, it’s worth considering if there are any overlooked areas that can be called into action. 


A bay window space with comfortable seating is ideal for a reading nook, so it's worth considering extra book storage if there's room. Framing a bay window with built-bookcases utilizes sections of wall space that might otherwise be wasted.

Similarly, landings are frequently overlooked. Why don't we just use it to create a home library? Books can be used as decor and add a lot of colour and texture to a landing without taking up much floor space.

Book storage can be cleverly squeezed in by converting the staircase into a bookcase. No space is wasted and the built-in cubbies framing under the stairs create visual impact and keep useable floor space clutter-free.

Home libraries don't need to be thought of as a luxury or grand; they can be bespoke and tailored to your book collection and the space available in your home. To us all a home library means a spot to store books, maybe a cozy armchair to enjoy said books from. And really, you can make that into any room, no matter the size.

So to add a home library, contact us at Metro Wardrobes and we will help you create your own perfect home library!

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